December 2020

October 2020

International Conference Turning Point 2020 – “The Health Conference that changed the World”


  The World Organization of Natural Medicine (W.O.N.M.) international conference TURNING POINT 2020 live-streamed to 2.5 million Oct. 17-25 The World Organization of Natural Medicine WONM.ORG Proudly Presents it's International Conference TURNING POINT 2020 featuring

International Conference Turning Point 2020 – “The Health Conference that changed the World”2020-10-08T13:16:39+01:00

September 2020

Einstein had two world shattering discoveries, one was the theory of relativity.


Einstein's work on relativity involved mathematics far beyond the man in the street, but he was convinced that if you understand something fully you should be able to explain it very simply. His renowned formula

Einstein had two world shattering discoveries, one was the theory of relativity.2020-09-07T10:46:23+01:00

June 2020

May 2020

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