Skype 1-2-1 Live Training Courses

Breathing is the most important activity for all of us, dysfunctional breathing impairs our health and immune system. Over 75% of us in the West over-breathe, or suffer some degree of CHHV, Chronic Hidden Hyperventilation. Why? This has been caused by a number of lifestyle factors including ; what we eat, over-consumption of animal based foods and refined processed foods, our stressful work or home situations of anxiety, finance, insecurity, all chronic diseases are linked to CHHV, and our social and global environmental problems.
Courses are 1-2-1 live courses, and so places are limited. If you are interested in investing in your health not just for now but for the future apply now.
What can we do about this?
Everyone can re-learn how to breathe normally in a matter of weeks with the right help and instruction. There are many successful training systems but the one that has been subjected to the most evaluation and testing and that was developed over many years of intense research by a dedicated medical professor is the Buteyko Method.
With the current lock-down due to our goverments’ reactions to the Corona-19 virus Pandemic, personal face to face training is on hold, but we can offer an on-line training course that is almost as effective. The Skype Breath Training Course or The Skype Lifestyle Course that incorporates advice on diet as well as the breath training. During this difficult period we are offering these courses at half the usual fee as a small attempt to help people with this current crisis.
Suitable for: Those wishing to improve their health and well-being. Remember, health trumps disease! Everything we can do to improve our health will increase our protection against infections by boosting our natural immune systems. Health is dependent on many factors including our breathing, correcting bad breathing habits of mouth breathing and hyperventilation, our diet has a profound impact on our health and immune system, improved body mechanics and exercise will improve our health, stress management, and good hydration always help and other lifestyle factors. The Lifestyle Course will give you the tools you need to make significant improvements to the factors above.
Course details
A Five Part Course of Half Hour Sessions:
1.Welcome & introduction. Check Registration Form & give out Workbook and STM 1 and 2
2. Brief overview of relationship between Stress, Hyperventilation and Symptoms: The Vicious Circle Diagram
3. Run Video “Hyperventilation 21st Century Epidemic”
4. Run PPP Modules 3 and 4
5. Do first exercise: CP Pulse RB (3 min) CP RB(2min) Rest (1min) CP Pulse
6. Discuss Nose Clearing Exercises & reason for nose breathing
7. Take five min. relaxed breathing while observing the student’s breathing patterns, respiratory rate, posture etc.
8. Explanation of the Control Pause & common errors to be avoided.
9. Do second exercise in workbook
10. Prepare & give out Training Plans
11. Q & A’s
12.Review of progress, deal with any problems arising: taping, sleeping, relaxation, medication etc.
13. Do full exercise in workbook
14. Run PP Modules 5 & 6
15 Review Hyperventilation Exercises.
16. Review Mini Pause.
17. Talking Like The Queen
18. Give out STM 3 & 4
19. Advice on physical exercise to improve breathing.
20. What are the limits of better breathing.
21. The longer term plans for breathing improvement and your health
22. Recap on training covered so far, graph results and give out STM 5 & 6.
23. Do full exercise in workbook.
24. Deal with questions arising.
25. Warning signs & “sealing the leaks” recap.
26. Medication and your breathing.
27. When to stop taping
28. When to stop doing training exercises
29. Diet and breathing. Run 4LeafSurvey
30. Complete end of course questionnaire.
The content may be changed to suit each individual on this course.
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