Do you agree that our breathing is the most important activity in our lives? But it is rare for doctors to check how well we breathe. It should be one of the standard vital health checks.1
It is the first thing we do when we arrive as a newborn baby and the last thing on our departure from life. Every mammal, that includes you and me, breathes around half a trillion breaths in their lifetime.2
Poor breathing is an element of almost every disease, the common factor is some degree of hypoxia or impaired oxygenation of body tissue.
Our breathing is controlled automatically but over time or after any trauma our automatic system fails to adjust our breathing correctly. With our Western lifestyle, it is a fact that over seventy-five percent of the population breathes badly, usually suffering from some degree of Chronic Hidden Hyperventilation (CHHV). This may lead to over a hundred common health problems, notably, asthma, hypertension, gut problems, etc.3
A Ukrainian doctor, Professor Konstantin Buteyko spent his entire life researching this problem and developed a simple way of correcting it, The Buteyko Method.
Until the advent of the internet, the only way of learning the Buteyko Method was attending a class with a Buteyko Educator, and although this is the best way still of improving your breathing, especially for those with severe breathing problems, it is now possible to teach yourself. The advantage is that everyone with access to the internet can take better control of their breathing and enhance their health and well-being. The other advantage is that instead of costing hundreds of pounds for individual training by a Buteyko Educator it may cost a maximum of only £10, the current price of the recommended book that accompanies the training, “The Buteyko Guide to Better Breathing & Better Health”
Start today and take the first step of being “Your Own Doctor of Health & Happiness” to check your vital breathing and discover how to improve it.
You may also want to read my recently published book of the same title that will take you on a fascinating journey with many surprises and a great challenge to improve your lifestyle, just click HERE to access this valuable book.
Stage One: Check Your Breathing Quality by Watching this Video, click on the image below, it has a built-in timer:
Stage Two: If you scored over 45 seconds, maybe you don’t need to be too concerned about your breathing.
If not, then you will benefit from taking a little time out over the next few weeks to improve your breathing and your general health and fitness. Ideally, you might enroll in a one-to-one training program with a qualified Buteyko Educator but if you don’t have that opportunity then you can achieve a significant improvement with your exercises at home. Below you will see two links to my two training podcasts, one for most people “Better Breathing Means Better Health” and the second is for those with any diagnosed breathing problems such as Asthma or COPD “Escape from Asthma”
Podcast One “Better Breathing Means Better Health”
Click on the image above to access this podcast and start your training.
Podcast Two “Escape from Asthma”
Click on the image below to access this podcast and start your training if you already have a significant respiratory problem or your breath check was less than 20 seconds.
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