My new book is now only available directly from me until I have organised its Global publication.
With the overburdened NHS it seemed the right time to write this small book to support anyone who feels the need to take more responsibility for their own health in any tried and tested way possible. This is clearly stated in the book’s title. Based on my fifty years in healthcare I have drawn on the wisdom of many doctors and health workers past and present to write this book. It will surprise and maybe shock you at times but mainly it will give you a guide to lifestyle changes that will enhance your health and even help you reverse chronic diseases sometimes. Here are the contents by chapter: What Is Health? Who Are You Really? Are You a Machine? Are You a Miracle? Getting Started, The Body Connection, The Food Connection, The Water Connection, The Breath Connection, The Mind Connection, The Family & Community Connection, The Environmental Connection, The Earth Connection, The Cosmic Connection, Facts and Figures, Swimming Against the Tide, Afterword, References, Reading List, Index.

          To purchase your hard copy directly from the author, £12.00 click HERE

                                                 The E-Book Version is now available from,   £3.00 click HERE