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Reviving the NHS with HealthCare

In 2017 I wrote an article that suggested the NHS could make annual savings of over £50 billion by promoting healthcare. With inflation, today the figure would be substantially higher. I have reprinted the article below. I would be happy to give my assumptions underpinning these forecasts and discuss any challenges. Even if my forecasts are 50% too high, the financial and manpower savings would still be a great help to a struggling, overburdened system.
NHS potential savings if we promoted real health care could be up to £28 billion pa!
Asthma £1 billion pa. Potential saving. 50%. £0.5 billion (1)
Hypertension. £2 billion pa. Potential saving. 25%. £0.5 billion. (2)
Diabetes. £18 billion pa. Potential saving. 50%. £9.0 billion. (3)
Heart disease & strokes £30 billion pa. Potential saving. 50% £15.0 billion. (4)
Musculoskeletal problems £1 billion pa. Potential saving. 25%. £0.5 billion. (5)
Obesity £5 billion pa. Potential saving. 50%. £2.5 billion. (6)
NHS sa
Total potential saving to the NHS of better patient education & lifestyle. £28 billion pa.
Potential saving from management and efficiency 20 % of £116 billion pa. £23 billion pa.(7)
Full potential savings from better management and patient education. Over £50 billion pa.
1. Requires asthma nurses to train asthmatics to improve breathing as demonstrated by the Buteyko or Papworth Methods. Clinically proven to reduce the need for medication by up to 90%, improve QOL, minimize asthma attacks, and minimize hospital and doctor visits.
2. A combination of stress reduction with breath training and dietary & lifestyle changes could produce this saving.
3. The evidence has been given that there are very positive responses to diet and lifestyle changes, up to 50% reduction in the need for insulin for Type 1 diabetes and often total elimination of medication for type 2 diabetes.
4. Heart disease and strokes have been shown to respond to dietary changes, eliminating over 90 % of these conditions.
5. Best practice osteopathic treatment can produce this saving by reducing the regular need for analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and expensive often ineffective physiotherapy.
6. Simple dietary and minor lifestyle changes can eliminate 90% of obesity.
7. This estimate is based on my experience in the commercial industry sector with Hawker Siddely Group in the 1970s using efficiency measures and improving management and O & M, this saving was made in private industrial companies already operating efficiently.
If any Government departments are interested in the research supporting the above I would be delighted to provide such for their consideration. I live in hope!
Michael Lingard BSc(Econ) Hons. DO.
Lingard BSc(Econ). DO. BBEA. PBNut.Cert.2023-11-24T12:34:39+00:00
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