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Preventing Our Most Common Diseases, Not Just an Apple a Day! by Dr. Michael Greger

Sit back and enjoy watching this great presentation by Dr. Michael Greger. Just click on the image above.
If you are depressed with all the Pandemic news and daily statistics and want to begin to live a healthy long life with minimum chances of developing all our common debilitating and killer diseases, then your time will be well spent watching this video by Dr. Michael Greger.
I have just recently restarted working in a new office and randomly chose to watch this same video. It re-inspired me so much that I thought I must share it with all my followers. When you have seen it and if you want to learn more go to the FoodConnection section of my website or contact me for 1-2-1 support. The great thing about this story is that good health need not cost a fortune spent on drugs and medical procedures, now that’s not good news for the pharmaceutical companies.
Lingard BSc(Econ). DO. BBEA. PBNut.Cert.2021-07-29T18:41:35+01:00
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