Click on the Ukrainian Flag above to go to DEC

The Ukrainian Refugee emergency will be with us for some time and will need continuing support from all of us.

Perhaps a small regular donation, monthly will be the best option, just 1% of our income per month would have a massive effect.

The DEC is a disaster response charity and our appeals are usually only open for six months after the disaster has occurred. 
If you want to make a regular payment we would recommend you look at our member charities who have ongoing programmes which may be a better option for anyone wishing to give more often. Donating regularly to a member agency means that the funds can be used on more longer-term sustainable development.

A list of our Member 

Agencies can be found here – 

To set up a standing order using your online banking you will need the following details: (The Ukraine DEC funding will end in August.)

Barclays Bank
Account name: Ukraine Appeal
Sort code: 20-00-00
Account number: 03042294

IBAN: GB28 BARC 200000 03042294

The DEC’s bank address, should it be required, is: Barclays Bank PLC,1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP