Project Description
The Breath Connection Student Training (Three 2 Hour Sessions)

Three part training for group or individual learners for the practitioning of Buteyko Educators.
Suitable for: Those wishing to become training Buteyko Educators.
Per person group price: £225 inc all 3 parts.
Per person 1 to 1 price: £285 inc all 3 parts.
Course details
Part One: £75pp (Group) £95 1-2-1
1.Welcome & introduction. Check Registration Form & give out Workbook and STM 1 and 2
2. Brief overview of relationship between Stress, Hyperventilation and Symptoms: The Vicious Circle Diagram
3. Run Video “Hyperventilation 21st Century Epidemic”
4. Run PPP Modules 3 and 4
5. Do first exercise: CP Pulse RB (3 min) CP RB(2min) Rest (1min) CP Pulse
6. Discuss Nose Clearing Exercises & reason for nose breathing
7. Take five min. relaxed breathing while observing the student’s breathing patterns, respiratory rate, posture etc.
8. Explanation of the Control Pause & common errors to be avoided.
9. Do second exercise in workbook
10. Prepare & give out Training Plans
11. Q & A
Part Two: £75pp (Group) £95 1-2-1
1. Review of progress, deal with any problems arising: taping, sleeping, relaxation, medication etc.
2. Do full exercise in workbook
3. Run PP Modules 5 & 6
4. Review Hyperventilation Exercises.
5. Review Mini Pause.
6. Talking Like The Queen
7. Give out STM 3 & 4
8. Advice on physical exercise to improve breathing.
9. What are the limits of better breathing.
10. The longer term plans for breathing improvement and your health
Part Three: £75pp (Group) £95 1-2-1
1. Recap on training covered so far, graph results and give out STM 5 & 6.
2. Do full exercise in workbook.
3. Deal with questions arising.
4. Warning signs & “sealing the leaks” recap.
5. Medication and your breathing.
6. When to stop taping
7. When to stop doing training exercises
8. Diet and breathing. Run 4LeafSurvey
9. Complete end of course questionnaire.
10 Future contact & follow-up in 6/12 months.