Project Description
1to1 Buteyko Skype Course 5 x 1/2 hour sessions

The Skype Buteyko Training Course is given on a 1-2-1 basis over five half hour Skype Sessions, the following is a guide to what you will learn in a course.
There may be variations on content and timing depending on the client’s needs.
We aim to improve your breathing, reducing chronic hidden hyperventilation and raising your Control Pause (the Buteyko measure of your breathing) by the end of the course. This will ensure your symptoms reduce and you regain better health. Our Skype name is “BUTEYKOMIKE”
Once we have received your completed registration form & course fee you can begin. Three month’s follow-up support & monitoring is usually essential to break what is essentially a lifetime’s bad breathing habit, you can discuss this with us in Part Five of the course.
The cost of this course is £150
Course details
Course details
The Skype Buteyko Training Course is given on a 1-2-1 basis over five half hour Skype Sessions, the following is a
guide to what you will learn in a course.
There may be variations on content and timing depending on the client’s needs.
We aim to improve your breathing, reducing chronic hidden hyperventilation and raising your Control Pause (the
Buteyko measure of your breathing) by the end of the course. This will ensure your symptoms reduce and you
regain better health. Our Skype name is “BUTEYKOMIKE”
Once we have received your completed registration form & course fee you can begin. Three month’s follow-up
support & monitoring is usually essential to break what is essentially a lifetime’s bad breathing habit, you can
discuss this with us in Part Five of the course.
Course details
1.2 Check your breathing using the breath-hold test, the Control Pause (CP)
1.3 The significance of nose breathing 24 hour nasal breathing, even during sleep!.
1.4 The nose clearing exercises.
2.1 Introduction to Dr Buteyko’s Method- clinical trials and benefits. How to reach a 40sec. CP
2.2 Note your breathing pattern and the effect on the breathing of correct posture
2.3 Learn and practice relaxation & reduced breathing.
2.4 Your medication you are taking – the potential for safe reduction.
2.5 Start your exercises with CP, Pulse,RB (relaxed /reduced breathing)
2.6 Food and its effect on your breathing, food allergies/intolerances.
3.1 Practice and modification of the exercises to work for you The Mini Pause.
3.2 Learn the Reduced Breathing and Extended Pause exercises
3.3 The effects of stress – Signs of Stress – The ‘fight or flight’ response – and CHVS.
3.4 The difference between normal breathing and CHVS, disorders CHVS produces – how Buteyko reduces your symptoms
3.5 Early warning sign of an asthma, panic or HV attack, the difference, how to overcome attacks
3.6 The Anti-hyperventilation Exercises
4.1 Assessing your progress – we check your results to make sure you are practising correctly.
4.2 You learn how to “Talk like the queen” to avoid mouth breathing when talking.
4.3 How to recognize clearing symptoms – managing ‘flu, chest infections, etc.
4.4 Changing lifestyle habits to improve your health.
5.1 Review of your progress so far.
5.2 When you are ill, advice on taking better care of yourself for faster recovery.
5.3 Physical exercise, making it safe, an essential element for progress.
5.4 Looking ahead, reducing your Buteyko exercises, stopping taping, incorporating the Buteyko Method into your daily life.
5.5 Final assessment and your personalized plan for the future including a follow-up programme.